I knew early on that I wanted to have a life helping others BE in health.
I have an ensatiable curiosity for what makes life and health flow and thrive.
My love for working one on one with people took me out of the science lab and into 1:1 Work. First with Massage Therapy which expanded into Myofascial TriggerPoint therapy and several other body work add ons for both horses (Im a total cowgirl at heart) and humans. The knowledge gained during my foundational human biology degree has given depth of understanding of the body. I am not your average massage therapist. The addition of Cranio Sacral Therapy (BCST), Along with some deep dives into why we are who we are. Both through a fascination with modern day neuroscience and through an interest and study of ancient wisdoms, I have recieved a depth of experience that transmits through my work to you, the client.
About Renee
My hands, heart and mind have a matured awareness. An inbuild body wisdom that I adore sharing.
I’m surounded by nature and animals and mum to two lively teenages. I love working from my little hillside property in the sleepy town of Alexandra. The casual, relaxed and peaceful environment lends itself to magical unfoldings of health. My little therapy room welcomes you to take pause and feel safely held in your journey, as your health Amplifies!
Also, the online coaching room has its own special flavour of a safe intimacy, for you to openly explore and be guided and held in witness.

Is she qualified?
When I finished school I studied Bachelor of Science, Human biology (anatomy major). My love for working one on one with people took me out of the science lab and into Massage Therapy. I studied Myofascial TriggerPoint therapy and several other body work add ons for both horses and humans. In 2016 I decided to add Cranio Sacral Therapy to my skillset and recieved a diploma in Biodynamic Crainosacral Therapy (BCST) in 2019.
Admitedly, I had no idea what learning this modality would open up. BCST opened awareness through my hands, heart and mind. It turned anatomy and physiology education on its head, helping me see the human body with fresh eyes and hands. I learnt about embodying life to the fullest and at its core, releasing trauma and integrating health. My life began changing in weird and wonderful ways. Conditions of Chronic pain, and experience of depression and anxiety challenges alchemised into a more expansive experience of myself. It also got pretty cool and at the same time, pretty messy. A beautiful mess as I realised that through this expansion I needed new boundaries. A whole re-frame which lead me to study more on what makes me human. This included following my curiosity into more neuroscience. With a beginners mind I peared at such things as the law of attraction and saw aligment with ancient phylosophies of living, I was ever curious and realised I needed more tools to re-frame life and continue to thrive. (see paragraphs below*).
In 2020 as the human world went into chaos I started unfolding at my core. I’d just spent 3 years intensively studying our relational field and the power of safe touch. I longed to both give and recieve this new-found modality and the question of what to do, as the public took a pause from touch, arose.
I had an incling that privately we needed space to explore touch and closeness. Covid rules opened a portal into the spaciousness of non-touch with clients and an expanded awareness of how self-embodiment effected how I related to those I held dear.
*I embarked on a journey with therapists, coaches and teachers to get to know the connections of the body and mind. This included tantric and neotantric learnings and I added a coaching certification (VITA) feather to my educational cap. My personal practices matured and I became committed to parts work. To re-patterning my own beliefs and how to find an identity that wasn’t attached to outside influence. Self knowing, and the type of shaddow work that brings radical permission to honour and celebrate the paradox of my humaness. After experiencing deep suffering and deep pleasure within my relationships to others and to myself I have learnt to honour each and every experience. This has brought a lightness, without by-pass, to who I am.
I have recieved gifts of learning and developed a self-practice. Using the art and teachings of tantra and neotantra, Yoga, Chigong and the Tao. On the surface tools, as well as a fascination with spirituality, hermetic teachings of magick, astrology and the planets and how that relates to us - the humans as well as all life on the planet. Also exploring other learnings into tarot and systems such as the gene keys and human design. I don’t profess to be expert in any of these areas. But with continued curiosity, each addition to my own life experience is adding to the depth of the transmission I offer.
A recent deep dive into a transformative shaddow integration course, (using tools such as exsitential kink by Carolyn Elliott), is allowing me to recieve even more expansion. I’m able to see, approve and even laugh with the darkest parts of myself bringing a glow up to the light. This life experience gives me a layer of understanding I can access to hold a space for which my clients can bask in, as they experience their own glow up.
Yes. I massage and do Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapy, which is deeply helpful. And also, I’ve landed on a fairly unique way to help people piece their life together in new and expansive ways. This happens with either online coaching or for those that can get here; through a combo of coaching and BCST.
I’m open to work with all genders and all ages.
If chat time is your thing, book a 20 minute call to see if we are a coaching or bodywork match and find out more.